Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Re:New Year!

The holiday bustle has ended, the tree is out by the dumpster for recycle, new toys and clothes are scattered happily about the children's rooms, Auld Lang Sine has been wildly sung at midnight and I smile and sigh as it was all so wonderful! I am learning to listen to God as I mother my children, cook (learn & try to cook:) for my family, arrange my home, and reach out to our neighborhood. I feel like I am in Kindergarten all over again, with so much to learn when it comes to being "in the world but not OF it":) To create a Godly home environment, to be vulnerable and honest about my flaws, and to heartily grab hold of the challenges and plow forward in God's grace everyday. I am almost 30 ( 10 days and counting...) and I can say with confidence I am so thankful I am where, and who I am today! I am tapping into "my music" my gifts that God gave me, and the "good works" he's designed me for...after much striving, time, $$ (personal growth type books, precision schedules, writing down goals, working, talking traveling with a business) and effort...trying to CHANGE myself, and coming up exhausted (and the same) I've accepted the gifts, the ideas, the place I am and what a wonderful gift God gives when we "Cease our striving and know that HE is God."  (v.s. us and our lofty plans for a "Good life") God is renewing what I once knew about myself, renewing my dreams (his dreams) and renewing my passion for the little things in life (like a tasty dinner on time for my family...which as I blog is close to getting a "little too done":) hang on a sec...
Okay, pork chops have been smothered and "crocked" in the crock pot for dinner (gotta love the crock!) 
I am challenged to find my MUSIC my PASSION this new year, and trust God thick and thin. So glad I am not walking this mothering road alone He is with me, day in and day out. What a rich heritage to be a daughter of the King! I love motherhood. May God RE-new the promises, desires, ideas, dreams, passions hidden in the deep of your heart this year. A very happy RE-new year to you my friend!

1 comment:

  1. I love the part where you say you were "trying to CHANGE myself, and coming up exhausted (and the same)" I feel the same way, it's very freeing to realize that you are yourself and God made you that way for a reason. And then it's so exciting to allow yourself to live life the way God made you, not the way somebody else lives their life or the way someone else wants you to live. I have recently applied this to my schedule. I like to have a list of what I need to get done but I would never look at it, so I got a poster-board and cut out pictures from vintage-style farm magazines to decorate it and wrote my schedule around the pictures. Now it makes me happy to look at it because it reminds me of things I like or that inspire me. It's kind of messy and not perfect, but I think that says a lot about who I am, lol! Thanks for such a great post!
