Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm a Happy Mama...

With Mother's day just around the corner, I took a minute, to sit and ponder, pray, be thankful, sigh and smile at who I am as a mother...first a confession... I get angry and frustrated sometimes, as I work to create beauty out of chaos, children can be maddening at times, they are not cookie-cutter alike, mothering is  complex. And Love, love is complex, and these maddening complex beings God has given into my care? 

How deeply I love them. Oh, how I love them, at the very core of my being and in every cell of my body and with every piece of my heart and soul. I love everything about them.

And I am grateful, so very grateful and happy to be their mama. I want them to know that, in the very marrow of their bones; to have it so embedded within them it cannot be separated, ever. I hope they do.

Even when I'm irritated or  exhausted, I know how blessed  I am. So blessed  that I have 4 healthy, wonderful, happy babies. That I am so fortunate to have these angelic, mischievous, delightful, loud, cuddly, funny, clever,  independent, sensitive, little darlings to call my own. To live with and love, to raise and let go. It is not an easy job, but God gives grace in the moment, and it is an adventure unlike any other, with ups downs, rewards beyond numbering, and joy that bubbles up and bursts out laughing. To  have an amazing and supportive and loving and handsome husband to share it all with? I am more blessed than I could have ever imagined!

No matter how tired  I am, or crabby I may feel I always  love them. I remind my heart that "I don't HAVE to take care of them, I GET TO."   I am blessed beyond measure and blessed in ways I don't deserve. My hope for my children is that they never doubt that I would do anything for them, anything they need, that I will protect them and guide them, and know when it’s time to let them bloom into who God created them uniquely to be. Showing them by the example of my life that they are not on this earth by chance, that God loves them, calls them, and has chosen them since before the very pillars of the world were carved into being.

I am a very happy  mama, indeed. Happy Mother's Day to all of you very blessed happy mammas too!

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